Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Haunted Stretch

Rain or shine I ride my bicycle to work, a distance of about 15kms. And there is this one particular spot along this journey that some very weird things happened in recent times.... it all started May this year (2006).

For example, I was riding along when at this spot I heard a big bang!! And my back tyre immediately went flat! I searched the roadway in the vicinity and could not find anything that would have punctured the tyre, not even so much of a bump! Also, I could not find any holes in the tyre!! Well this meant I had to walk the last 7kms or so back home.... took me a while too!!! And when I checked the damage, the hole in the tube was on the INSIDE of the wheel...... it had spontaneously ruptured for no apparent reason!!!

Another time, I was riding to work..... it was dark..... it is dark when I leave during the winter months, and I don't get to work until around dawn. Well, at this particular spot..... the same spot as above..... my light mysteriously went out and I could not turn it back on. It could not have been the globe, there are four globes!! However, the next day I tried the light, and it went on no problems!!! There was nothing wrong with the light at all !!!!!

Then the experiences intensified towards the end of May.... and all at this particular spot, a 100 meter stretch...... remember that my journey is 15kms and nothing weird happened anywhere else along this journey.

One morning I saw a dark figure at this spot..... and I thought nothing of it, just assumed it was some guy walking along the street.... though I could see no features on this person, he was completely dark.... that is despite the fact that I rode right past him..... then sensing something with my sixth sense, I turned back for a look..... and there was no one there!!!! This "person" had simply, it seems, disappeared into thin air. There were no where he could have gone to hide within this short time.... the area is fairly open, next to a school playing field which is fenced off, and though dark, still enough street lights to be able to see what is going on!!!! But he had just vanished.....!!!

I also kept on noticing flashes of light following me that morning.... I would notice lights just behind me, but as soon as I turn to look, there were no lights.... it seems to vanish as soon as I turn to look!!

The next morning..... my light failed again!!!.... at this exact same spot!!! This time I was able to turn the light back on, and had no trouble with it for the rest of the journey!!

And that very afternoon..... well weatherwise it was one of those days, mainly fine but with showers every now and then.... and silly me forgot to bring my rain wear!! Well before I left work for home, I checked the radar on the computer at work, and saw one small area of rain to the south, there was no rain anywhere else except a long way to the east.....

And from the tracking of the radar, I figured this area of rain would not reach the coast until I got home.... and in any case, the rain was tracking to just south therefore I thought it would miss me anyway!!

Well.... I was riding back home.... and as I got near to that spot.... that same 100 meter stretch.... I happened to look to the south and was shocked to see this cloud was right behind me.... and guess what??? As soon as I had gotten to that 100 meter stretch..... it absolutely poured down with rain, soaking me to the skin!!!!! The rain stopped soon after I had gotten past this spot, and didn't rain again!!!

Hmmmmm....... I guess one of these days I should try to find out if there are any history to this spot!!!!

Donna sensed a young person who met his end on a bicycle near this spot. This certainly does bear further investigations.

It's all weird anyway!!.......

Here are some pixs of this particular spot..... what I call "The Haunted Stretch"....

The weather conditions during the dark early morning shots was dry and clear, there was no mist, no fog, and if anything, it was quite warm for this time of year.

This is just before The Haunted Stretch.... the school is to the right.

The corner at the start of The Haunted Stretch by day....

The corner early in the morning when I am riding to work....

The pix above enhanced. In the center a bit to the left is what appears to be a head of a person, perhaps a ghostly figure of some sort....

The same street, a little further to the end. This cul-de-sac butts onto the main highway. It is there at the end that I saw the dark figure of a person that I wrote about above....

The view of the highway from the end of the cul-de-sac....

The view of the highway from the end of the cul-de-sac early in the morning when I ride to work. Notice what appears to be a ghostly figure on the grassed area towards the bottom left corner....

An enhanced pix of the above....

Now some will suggest these ghostly images are nothing but pixellations, basically illusions created by the pixels in the digicam. Perhaps this is indeed so. But given the strange happenings at this area, I would not rule out a paranormal explanation of these images..... that these are images of ghostly critters and psychic energy sources.

You decide for yourself.... I am keeping an open mind!!!!!!!!!

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