Wednesday, June 21, 2006

An Orb of Light.......

I was in meditation last weekend when something strange happened.....

I opened my eyes and saw what appeared to be an orb of light float right past my face in front of my eyes, from below to above.

Perhaps it could have been dust.... but it was way too big for it to be dust. Besides, it seemed like the thing was glowing.

Maybe it was a bit of a feather.... but there was nothing in the room that could account for this.... no feathers.... and besides, I thought I saw a couple of other lesser lights floating further away.....

What was it? Perhaps it was indeed a feather.... but not from a terrestrial source. It has been said that a feather is a sign of angelic presence, and I knew Twinkle was with me by my side....

So I wonder.... what was it.... and WHY???????

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